How to Become a Member
Process to become a Member
The process starts with a completed and signed application. The application can be downloaded below or a copy can be located at the club. The yearly dues are set by:
1. The date the application is submitted. 2. NRA member or not. NRA members have lower rates due to insurance. NRA memberships can be applied for at the club. 3. Number of family members and age. 4. Working or Non-Working Status. 5. Valid Email Address.The applicant then presents the application to a Range Master on Saturday or Sunday. The Range Master will provide the application Fee amount and accept the check for the dues owed. Then the application is approved by the Board of Directors. You will be notified via email of their decision. If approved, you will need to complete Range Master Training (RMT). This can be scheduled any Saturday or Sunday during Public Range Hours. Once you have satisfactorily completed RMT you will receive the membership card via the mail.
Click on the names below to download the documents that you may need. They are in a PDF format.